Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Why Me?"

Well, my sister and several friends have gone due to cancer and I also knew many others that have followed the same journey. God bless their souls.. One thing I found in common, the self denial - "Why me?!"...

Why me? Why me!.. It is a question that could put you through many days of mental torture and nightmares! Yet my friends, despite the fact that cancer is a dreaded illness, it can still be managed and perhaps, even cured - if you understand what causes it in the first place! God has decreed that there is a cure to every illness except death and old age!

Sadly however, I realised that many sufferers do not understand much about their own illness and preferred to remain ignorant throughout their entire conventional treatments. It was sadder still when caregivers themselves also chose to remain 'in the dark'!

We all have cancer cells! But how come some got the illness and some don't?! The answer is simple - strong immune system! When our natural defense system is powerful no 'invaders' could survive in our 'hostile' bodies! It is only when our body is weak ie. when our immune system is compromised that 'invaders' thrive and become the aggressors! Many forget that it is OUR OWN BODY, OUR VERY OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM and OUR VERY OWN MIND WHICH ARE THE ACTUAL HEALERS!!

Many things can contribute to cancer. Food we eat, the air we breathe, the liquid we drink... the cosmetics, shampoos, toothpastes,hair dyes,hair sprays,plastic cups, plastic containers, etc, etc.. often contain hidden carcinogens! Genetic hereditary too is responsible! Stress has been known to weaken our immune system so it is important to know how to manage it well. Our state of mind also plays a vital role !

Every day we are bombarded by 'cancer causing' agents! When we go that extra mile to know what factors weaken or strengthen the immune system, that's when we actually begin to understand how our body works which would guide us towards the jouney of healing, albeit the natural way.


MKI Ramblings Unlimited said...

Very interesting thoughts on cancer and how one faces it. I agree with you on the mind, body and spirit thing and I would add life force as the binder of these elements. Life force is what the Chinese call Qi, pronounced as 'chi'. This qi thing is within us. I do not think that it has been medically but when properly initiated it can enhance health conditions and help overcome ilness considerably. There are many living proof of its benefits.

Best regards,

MKI Ramblings Unlimited